IRC East Coast Championship
July 12-15, 2017
Harbour Court, Newport, Rhode Island
Open to all yachts with a valid 2017 IRC certificate.
Photo by Rolex/Daniel Forster

- Notice of Race
- NOR Amendment #1
- NOR Addendum 1 (USSER Safety Equipment Requirements)
- NOR Addendum 2 (US Sailing Prescriptions)
- Sailing Instructions
- Sailing Instructions Amendment #1
- Scratch Sheet
- Online Protest Form
- Penalty Acknowledgement Form
- The Sailing Office will be using TextCaster, a push notification service, to send competitors vital regatta information, including postponement announcements. Competitors will also receive text alerts anytime the National Weather Service issues a relevant warning for Newport County. Sign up for these alerts by clicking here.
- IRC Friday nigth BBQ tickets
- To obtain a guest card, a Guest Privileges Form must be submitted.
Wednesday, July 12 | 1100 | Warning signal |
Thursday, July 13 | 1100 | Warning signal |
Friday, July 14 | 1100 | Warning signal |
1800 | Regatta BBQ - Station 10 (reservations required) | |
Saturday, July 15 | 1100 | Warning signal |
1600 | Post-race cocktails & Awards Ceremony at NYYC Harbour Court |